Monday, February 23, 2015

The Oscars Night

It was an interesting Oscars Evening. It looked less pompous than other years. I wonder why though? Is it because most of the brilliant actors are now aging? More concerned about their surroundings than landing that next blockbuster role?
Racism awareness was present and dominant throughout the show. The message was powerful and could not be ignored.
Women rights speech shook that room so strongly, shock, applause, nodding heads. Yes that message was loudly received.
Immigration, the hint in the joke was so subtle, some may see it as just another blunt joke from Sean Penn, but it held all the efforts being done by the administration to legalize deserving immigrant families.
But the ultimate message of the night was "The American Sniper" failing to land the oscars it was expected to sniper. Yeah we can all buy into the rumor of the fake baby. But who are they trying to fool?
How can America celebrate the killings of innocents, and be proud of the image of all the Chris Kyles out there? A hero can not be pressure cooked a la Eastwood. Ok and hope all got that message right.
Lady Gaga oh lady Gaga, "La femme Chameleon". She conquered my ears and my senses with her "Sound of Music" piece. Yes never ever judge a book by its cover and Lady Gaga is there to remind us of this wise saying.
Finally the Whistleblower (Citizenfour) Acceptance speech, gives hope that ordinary citizens can still have an impact on the world.
I guess that's the message I ended up with after watching the 2015 Oscars. That ordinary people do matter after all. And that the pompous can still make a difference by allowing them to be heard!

Friday, February 13, 2015

The world in chaos...

We grew up watching sci-fi movies, reading about world chaos and imagining how the world could plunge into darkness. It all seemed so extraordinary and far away from ever happening.
But today as we watch around us, as we analyze our fellow humans and watch civilization clash and religious dogmas take over common sens. We live the chaos. Gadgets, media, pictures, comments, movies, books, we are constantly bombarded with negativity. Our brain is deeply entrusted in a black hole. And we do not even realize it!